Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bill Pullman, man of my dreams

I sometimes have terrible dreams about performing. Once I had to fill in for a 12 year old girl in our Christmas show and I kept forgetting lines - and every time I forgot a line, I'd have to climb a ladder to the booth and look at the stage manager's prompt book, then climb back down and continue. This happened close to ten times. In an hour long show. Once I found myself onstage for Cherry Orchard, but once I was there I realized I had rehearsed the wrong play - while everyone else had been rehearsing Cherry Orchard, I had been rehearsing Our Town - and I stumbled around talking about school books and strawberry sodas while everyone laughed at me.

Recently, I dreamed that I was a dancer and actor in a play that Bill Pullman was directing. We were at that rehearsal when you're figuring out the math of the play - how the teacup gets onstage, where you walk during a blackout, and how to exit without running into anyone. I was dancing from one end of the stage to the other - and had to get across very quickly. I had JUST enough time to get from one wing to the other, and Bill shouts "LIZ! YOU MUST TURN OFF THE BANNER BEFORE YOU EXIT!" And I think - there's no way I'll have the time! But I try it anyway. I'm dancing onstage right, then I have to climb to the top of the stage. You see, we are dancing inside a Microsoft Word Document and the page border was up for the first dance, and I have to go up to the menu, click on "Format" "Page Borders" and turn it off. Then I have to climb down from the top of the stage/page, finish my dance across the stage and exit left. Completely unreasonable, don't you think?
